Friday, February 29, 2008
A DAY WITHOUT BOYFRIEND;hellooooo! school went well. poa teacher didn't allow me to go toilet. i stormed out of the class in rage. actually, not really lahh. laughs! cip after school. painted the toilet. paint splashed onto my uniform. had to wear junle's pe. but i still somehow managed to have paint on his shirt. -.- sorry! my skirt also tio paint lahh can. i swear that its the first time i'm painting walls. so i'm a nooooob. paint was all otver the toilet floor. hahs. wanted to go meet deardear at 5plus de. but that kuku went had to go off to chalet. so with a depresssed heart, i bus-ed home. there wasn't a single soul at home lahh. emo-ed in the backyard with my 2 golden retrievers. & since when did they become so attached to me? hahs! smoked & slacked with them. watched cds & sleept. deardear, it seriously sucks without you luhh. i dare not imagine what i will become when i come back from my bangkok trip during the march hols! shag lahhhhhhhhhh! D:4 years, 1 time. today's a special day. but i've got to spend it alone. -.-'
When you look me in the eyes
11:30:00 PM
Thursday, February 28, 2008
helloooooo! school went well. poa sucks as usual. spent 30mins slacking. stood up & threw paper, she said i catwalk. what-the-fuck. spent another 1hr sleeping. recess-ed with usuals. history field trip after school. went to the museum. initially, it was somehow fun or rather fascinating luhh. but then it wasn't so fun anymore. it became boring. laughs! then greek museum. everyone was high, especially me. i laughed like mad lahh. hahahs! then baby came to fetch me from school. went to techview for dinner & then parkway. went to meet mummy. then slacked & walked ard with baby. :D cabbed home with baby while then he went to bedok. i love my baby lahh! :DD
When you look me in the eyes
11:24:00 PM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
TODAY AIN'T MY DAY;booooooos! had math test today. got 22 over 26. :DDDD hahs. POA is totally fucked up lahh can. i merely stood up, walked to the wastepaper basket & threw litter into it. the fuking teacher go one round shoot me lahh can! say what, anybody else wanna come up & do another catwalk. ohmygod lahh, i straight dulan lohh. at least i have the ability to catwalk lahh, not like her, mushroomhead! -.- the rest of the day went pretty well. during remedial, chiong-ed finish my chem experiment. somemore get all correct lohh. laughs! :D walked to meet dear. but guess what, less than 15mins, i walked out of his hse, fuming luhh. shall not elaborate anymore. lols. we're very much okay already. hahs. ahgong came & fetched me for tuition. then home sweet home. (: i miss my babyboy! D:
When you look me in the eyes
8:06:00 PM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
FEVER & SORETHROAT;hellooooos! boyfriend msg-ed me at 2plus in the morning. saying he can't sleep. so, being a good girlfriend, i called him & pei-ed him talk on the phone. but after awhile i jiu doh lerhh. -.- baby morning called me at 6am. i had recovered from my fever okays. then school was fine? poa teacher called my daddy. daddy agreed with me that she's a stupid idiot fucker lahh! lols. went to school opposite with usuals to smoke & chat. pierced my tongue! :DD then went back school for chinese remedial. quickly finished my letter writing & chiong-ed to find dear. slack slack, talk talk. dear is very very sick. -.- ahgong came & fetched me to tuition. & i'm sick again! D: alldumbdumb boyfriend's fault . hahs! fever & sorethroat. zzz. dear's going for songka with his fever & sorethroat. somemore without jacket! -.- ohmygod, faints lahh. i love my dearest hubby! :D
When you look me in the eyes
8:00:00 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008
SICK & SICK;helloooos! PE was super slack lahh. walked & talked with nicol. recess with the usuals. had an english test. i think i will pass. lols. met dear outside school. walked under the rain until 148. kena scolded by dear. -.- slacked abit at his godmother's hse. then went to ahma hse there buy porridge up for my hubby. slacked slacked slacked. ahgong came to fetch me home,bath & changed. tuition-ed. i had fever because of my dumbdumb hubby lahh. laughs! went home eat panadol & slept without aircons or fans. had a jacket on & 2 layers of blanket over me. hahs!
When you look me in the eyes
7:54:00 PM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
HEAD OVER HEELS WITH LOKEWEIXIONG;hellooooos! boyfriend woke me up at ard 2plus. bath & changed. went to buy cough syrup & chicken porridge for him. he was sleeping like a pig again. laughs! slack slack slack. i swear that he's sooooo cute lahh. i love him luhh. heeees, xD ard8.30pm, boyfriend pei-ed me go take cab home & he bus-ed to bedok inter.
When you look me in the eyes
10:41:00 PM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
hellooooos! tuitioned in the morning. then went to meet my dearest boyfriend. (: he's a pig, -.- supposed to be there to wake him up but i ended up sleeping too! hahas. woke up then slack slack abit. he went to bath & change. then continued to slack while he played ps3. then cabbed to cineleisure. watched the eye. not bad, i watched it before, the jap or chinese version. lols. i screamed when the girl open the microwave oven & fire came out. hahahas! its so paiseh lahh. lols. went to songka at 535 with boyfriend & co. they played blackjack with peanuts. its so funny lahh. then showhand all the peanuts. boyfriend over 21 & he bombed that he got 21. they believed him & gave him all the peanuts. laughs! then taiti-ed with them. after songka, went to bedok inter with boyfriend for awhile. then bus-ed back ahma hse. boyfriend went up with me, slacked abit at home then at staircase. sorry boyfriend. ): then we went off our own ways. lols. ard 1am plusplus, went to eat mac with sister, boyfriend, boyfriend's sister & boyfriend's brother. i love my boyfriend soooo much lahh!

When you look me in the eyes
10:24:00 PM
Friday, February 22, 2008
POA SUCKS;hellooooooo! a fight broke out in school yesterday luhh. & my school is somehow famous now? because its in the newpaper page don't know what. laughs! after some explaining from riadi & classmates, i still catch no ball of why the fight began luhh. zzz. whatever~ just hope the casualties faster recover, faster come back school study. then kio back the people who beat them! nahs, just joking. laughs! slept during art, math was somehow slack. humanities too. slept during poa. mrschan sucks lahh! she indirectly keep shootong me & others lahh. but too bad, the others were sleeping soundly so they didn't heard what she said. her voice is super irritating which made me half awake & half asleep. zzz. physics was quite slack too.after school went to find dear. :DD he dyed his hair red. -.- cut his fringe abit. yesterday, he took a picture of himself & mms-ed to me. i was speechless when i saw how red his hair was lahh can. how beng lahh right? (ignore that super cute face, & look at the hair! thankyou)
but, it turned out that it was the lighting that made it look soooo red. so you can see that its actually more to the orange. & it isn't so bright. so i'm quite relieved. but! it still looks beng even though he looks soooooo cute lahh! :D
& dear's now at tamp, eating & probably catching a movie l8r on. he mms-ed me his picture wearing his friend's sunglass just now. -.- & said he misses me. hahas! he is just soooooo cute lahh! :D
& lastly, i love my boyfriend oh so much lahh! :D
When you look me in the eyes
8:09:00 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
TIRED;helloooos! i swear that i was super sleepy during lessons lahh. zzz. i did 2 compo during chinese. laughs! i'm hardworking, NOT! lols. is i owe homeowrk. had math test. i think will flunk luhh, zzz. okay, whatever~ school ended at 3pm. went for a puff with audrey at 663. went to find dear. slacked & talked. then ahgong came, tuitioned. then home sweet home. my appetite is back & its not a good thing. because i will grow fat again luhh! i managed to keep my weight until 47 lehh! l8r shoot up, i will cry lohh. laughs!baby! i love you, you love me! we will last until blahblahblah~ our secret & promise. rahhs! :D i really really really love you alot & i never never never will leave you. :D
When you look me in the eyes
7:39:00 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
& I BELONG TO WEIXIONG;helloooos! school was well. read storybook during math lesson. -.- slept during poa lesson. -.- had chinese test today. recessed with usuals. humanities went well. had poa test, i didn't write anything except for my name. -.- physics went well as well. after school, cabbed down to damai with daryl & audrey. slacked with dear & people. then went to 739 with dear, dor & sebast. SHE poh paiseh to me already. laughs! & i do wonder how can a person change attitude so fast eh. monday so xialan, today so nice to talk. zzz. went to dear's hse. use com, talked, slacked. he is just so wonderful lahh. rahhs. (: cabbed home with dear. :DD
dexter erzi. (:dear! i love you the most lahh. don't be so hot tempered eh, scary lohh. hahs. remember what we said today arhh! our secret okays, shhh! (: love you alot alot alot alot lahh! mwacks. (:
When you look me in the eyes
9:33:00 PM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I'LL MAKE SURE YOU PAY;helloooooos! school went well. i was hardworking during english lesson lahh! :D chemistry had a LA, confirm can pass one lahh! recessed with audrey without food. lols. mother tongue was somehow very slack lohh. poa, didn't attend. =x CME is fun. lols. i role-played with junle. its damn funny luhh! & 5 characteristics that my future husband must have. 1.5Cs, car. cash. condo. credit cards. certificate. 2. must not flirt around. 3. can protect me. 4. good looking. 5. loving & caring. LOL. its so funny lahh can. after school went to meet boyfriend. then went back school for remedials. after that went back to meet boyfriend again. cabbed to mac & slacked there. saw many familiar faces. (:i've let go of the past already! i don't love him anymore, not to mention like. -.-''' so please stop tagging my blog & asking me why i stead with this guy now then what thought you waiting for x.kid. please lahh, i stead with weixiong because i love him . so, stop it. it gets on my nerves. thanks. =)boyfriend looks so cute when he just wakes up lahh. super cute lohh! i love him lahh. hahhas. dear dear, i promise you that i will never let you go. i swear that i love you ever so truely. 170208 will be forever! (:
When you look me in the eyes
8:29:00 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
BITCH FUCK YOU;hellooooos! school went well. msged & chatted on phone with boyfriend. :D slept 3periods of art lessons. because, i dropped art luhh. hahas! finished school, cabbed down to damai there with audrey. slack then 2nd mama. something sucky happened! shall not elaborate. boyfriend came & went to bedok inter eat. then he pei me go find sister & ahgong. went home bath & changed. then tuitioned. then home sweet home. (:boyfriend, sorry i fought with that bitch. D: i promise you that it was the first & will be the last time. i trust my boyfriend that he already let go of the past lerhh. & i too, want him to trust me that i had let go of the past too. (: boyfriend, i really love you alot alot! :D
When you look me in the eyes
10:04:00 PM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
WEIXIONG IS MY LOVE;hellooooooos! talked on the phone with dear last night, until i fell asleep on the sofa. ahma scolded me for doing so. -.- dear came to pass me charger to charge my phone. while charging, went to mac for breakfast/lunch. i ate a little bit because i no appetite. then went back up to take my hpone. 60-ed to bedok inter. saw ben at the bus-stop. okay, i swear that dear's being overly friendly luhh. hahas! mrt-ed to bugis. walk walked. took neo-prints with dear. then mrt-ed to vivo. watched 'L changes the world'. its nice lahh. L is oh-so-cute~ but don't know he got die in the end not lohh. zzz. went to walk all over vivo. went to mu-ee, made handphone straps. hahas. cabbed home with dear. (:
When you look me in the eyes
9:19:00 PM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
HEADACHE & VOMITTING;helloooos! tuitioned in the morning then went to anchorpoint for my hair extentions! :DDD accompanied sister wait for mummy at cineleisure. then cabbed down to tampinese mall. had a sever headache. went to buy panadols & water. after paying, rushed to the toilet because i wanted to vomit! -.- while queing up for the toilet cubicle, i cannot hold it anymore. & i vomitted. zzz. i hate vomitting. somemore its in public. super paiseh luhh! darling came & went to buy my hollow pin & tongue stud. wanted to catch the movie, 'L changes the world' but the person gave us the only show which is at 11.40pm. thus, she refunded us our money after some bickering. -.-''' slacked abit & jun called us go 739. cabbed there & slacked abit. went for songka at geylang bahru. thanks benben for his jacket because i wore red. -.- went back 739 & weixiong cabbed me home. (:

When you look me in the eyes
8:58:00 PM