Monday, March 31, 2008
♥Hyper Active,
• quarrelled with hubby today. ): but nothing lerhh.
• was super hyper like siao za bor today, at sk. thanks for everyone's accompanionment & tolerance. :D
• hubby says he got sore eyes, which i think NOT! lols.
• audrey's blogshop has many nice bags! do visit lahh!• tuition was like soooo sian.
• i'm eating maggie noodles now. -.-
• had 38 out of 40 for my math, matrices test. daddy is very very happy. (:
• i'm tired, really tired.
• i miss WX alot alot.
• i'm finding that sense of security i yearn..
• i love lokeweixiong to the max.
• realise your mistakes & saying sorry is sincere.
When you look me in the eyes
10:16:00 PM
Sunday, March 30, 2008
♥WX, I Miss You Badly,
hello! i'm seriously soooo lazy to blog lahh can. hehs. so i shall blog in point forms. rahhs! & i can't upload pictures taken from my back camera eh. i don't know why, piss me off luhh. zzz.

• i miss my hubby dearly. last met him on wednesday. T.T
• was late for school, three days straight. wed, thurs & fri.
• was second in class for physics, sound wave test.
• had dinner at kovan with tuition friend, after tuition.
• daddy came back from bangkok yesterday night.
• manicure-ed & pedicure-ed yesterday evening.
• hubby bought a new com yesterday, with a webcam.
• family says that i'm too skinny, but i feel that i'm still fat. zzz.
• watched tv whole day at ahma hse, its been a long time since i watch tv the whole day.
• my life is like so lifeless lahh, feeling so sian all the time. dots!
• i feel empty, like something's missing, but i can't quite say what.
• & i'm going to bath already, ciaos.
When you look me in the eyes
9:57:00 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
hello, school started at 9am today. woke up at 8am & booked the cab immediately. stupid cab come at 8.45am instead of 8am. zzz. i was late for school lahh can. sat on the floor for the whole of physics. dots. & then the cab fare is a fucking 18dollars. its soooooo expensive lahh can. school was blahblahblah, had a math test which i'm confident i will ace. & i was the second highest for that physics sound wave test. rahhs! & i just needed 1more mark to be top student. grrrrrs~ oh well, whatever. tuition-ed after school & bus-ed home. i'm tired lahh eh! ):
photos from the last few days
When you look me in the eyes
9:54:00 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
hello, released at 12.30pm today. i went home to bath & change. then got ready & went down to kovan. rebonded my hair & redo-ed my extentions. guankeatBROTHER came for a short while to take his psp skin from me. lols. then uncle steven came to fetch me from kovan at 6.30pm to bedok inter. met baby & cabb-ed to victoria theatre. i can't find audrey they all lahh! zzz. then while searching for them, i slipped & fell. because its dark & i can't see the way. lols. & i swear that its damn paiseh lahh. my leg bled lahh can. zzz. now its 'disfigured'. dots alot! quarelled with boyfriend over some stupid thing. went off with boyfriend during the intermission, the musical is just sooooo boring lahh. walked to the singapore river, clarkequay there. talked & talked with boyfriend. then everything's okay luhh. sat down & counted stars. i managed to count until 3 stars & boyfriend, alot alot. hahs. then boyfriend pulled me go sit the bungee jump thingy. i swear i was going to have a heart attack when i was waiting to sit that thing. but, it wasn't so bad lahh. hehs. my leg went soft mid-air. -.- after that, walked ard & ard & ard. then finally, we cabbed back home. he dropped me off at home then he went to bedok. seriously, i had fun today. Bi, I Love You! (:
When you look me in the eyes
11:22:00 PM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
today is a super tired day lahh. hahs! i'm going to flunk my POA test lahh. my mind just suddenly went blank when i saw the theory qns. i didn't know got theory lehh. even those i've prepared like siao also suddenly forget. hais, i'm dissappointed with myself. PC was talking abt carreer & stuff. i wanna make lots of money in the future. i'm going to expand daddy's business when i take over. so, i've decided to do auper well for my O level. get into business course in TP? lols. i'm going to work super hard. :D mac has become super duper boring. i don't know what happened. zzz. well, tuition was not good, because i'm tooo tired until i keep dozing off. teacher allowed me to rest for 10mins. boooos! & i was well again. hehs. bus-ed home & it rained. but it stopped when i got off the bus. (: i'm really tired now lahh. hahahas. & nothing more to add. rahhs! & oh, i envy audrey lahh. she got 2days MC. but she will missed lessons! ): darling, get well soon! i miss you lahh eh!
When you look me in the eyes
8:45:00 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
yo! lols. okays, i'm currently at boyfriend's hse. & obviously i'm blogging now while he's sleeping. hahs. school went okay, except that today i'm abit crazy in the mind. zzz. my eyes were fucking swollen when i reached school lahh. dots! art was great, because i chatted with alicia & misstan. & guess what, ali & i became miss tan's image consultant. -.-''' when i grow up, maybe i will be an image consultant because its fun. weeees! played with miss tan's hair. LOL. how funny luhhhh. nothing better to say already. so ta-tas~ (:
cabbed back home with boyfriend dearest. (: had POA tuition while he cabal-ed. & guess what i saw when i came up the room after tuition? he was sleeping again. so pig lahh eh! hahhas. bathed & got ready for my physics tuition. when i reach home after my tuition, he's still sleeping. so, i brought my baby brother into the room & he woke up. (: heeees. went to cook maggie noodles for him while i was going to sleep already. -.- smoked & slacked with my baby brother & step mummy. (: but then, he went off to xg ard 12plus. ): because of some things. zzz. i can't deny that i was uber sad lahh..
When you look me in the eyes
2:33:00 PM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
helloooo! my blog ain't dead. i'm just tooo lazy to update. hahas. i changed my blogskin & all, comment it please. (: i wanna upload pictures lahh, but the stupid com & phone don't wanna connect tgt eh! shag luhh. ): only can post these three pictures because they were in my com since long time ago. hehs.

randomness of the last few days. they are not in order though.
• fish & co-ed with yinjieCHF.
• went drinking with riadi & co. until
late at night. ):
• daddy punished me, cannot go out for 2mth
because of the above mentioned. ):
• quarreled with dear, ): but all is well now.(:
• poa tuition is great. (:
• 'SHI SHEN' by WangRenFu is ubber nice lahh.
don't think i've missed out anymore other impt things.
dear, i miss you. we really cannot be like last time anymore. i don't feel like your girlfriend anymore. i'm having severe depression now. hais. you don't even bother to tell me that you've woken up & you're going out already. i have no mood to eat or do other things. i can only smoke my life away. dearest, i'm really really sorry abt what happened. its really my fault that things would turn out this way. i'll still love you no matter how badly things will turn out to be. i won't leave you, no matter what. i wish that we could still be like last time.
When you look me in the eyes
4:01:00 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008
♥happy one month anni, baby. (:
i swear to the moon & the stars & the sun & the clouds & to the gods up above, that i will love you as long as i'm breathing, alive & kicking. :D baby, you're my everything & you're the core of my existence. my heart belongs to you & only you. in my heart, there's no other place for a second person. i won't let anybody snatch you away from me. they try & they die. :DD dearest hubby, thanks for tolerating my moodswings & attitude problem. i will try my very very best to keep them in control whenever you're with me. (: 170208 is our promise to each other, to never let go of each other's hand. & we will last & live happily ever after, with a babyBOY 5 years later. (: hehs, just like in the fairytales where the princess & the prince lives happily ever after. i love you to bits & pieces, my love. & there's no reason why. my love for you will always be as true & as strong. (: i swear. ♥
When you look me in the eyes
12:00:00 AM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
SCHOOL OPENS TMR! ),:helloooooos! guess what, i haven't done my homework yet, except the physics online thingy. laughs. die lahh. D: but heck care. many people also never do, at most copy lohh. hehs. today went out with baby & his friend. watched 'step up 2'. its nice lahh can! :DD then mrt-ed home. i'm super ecstatic to meet baby today lahh can. keep smiling. hehs. pictures from today & last few days or maybe weeks. LOL. pictures from bangkok, shall upload tmr or when i'm free okays. lols. ciaos. (:

& my dearest love, one more day. :]
When you look me in the eyes
8:52:00 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
OH YES, I'M BACK! :DDhelloooooooooooos! i'm back lahh! super high when i landed at the changi airport just now. laughs. i know baby is the happiest to know that i'm back luhh, other than me. LOLs. bangkok was nice. (: but it wasn't quite as nice it should be. ): because i was away from baby for 5days. hmmphs. my shopping money reduced by 1000baht, because i used them to buy top up cards for my thai number to call baby. hehs. shopping was great lahh! i swear. especially when i got through with most of the bargaining. hahs. dream world was quite fun as well. but i think genting has more thrilling games. took a hell lot of pictures at dreamworld. i swear & i promise to upload them as soon as possible. i haven't even touched my homework yet. D: although i did attempt to do them. lols. i bought my book at the changi airport, eclipse. & i'm three quarter through with the book. hehes. i think i better go do my6 physics online homework, before the deadline closes. so, ciaos! :DD& 2 more days, my baby. :]
When you look me in the eyes
9:30:00 PM
Monday, March 10, 2008
HOLIDAYS!hellooooooos~ i was simply tooooo lazy & moodless to blog lahh. hahs! many events took place last few days. & i'm lazy to upload my pictures. the stupid usb cable got problem luhh! D: so i cannot upload the pictures from my phone to the come. ): shall upload them when i come back from bangkok lahh. hahs. i'll be going tmr morning then come back on saturday night. :D & i swear that i will miss my hubby ever so badly. grrrs! >: & ciaos, i'm lazy to blog anymore. =\& please do visit audrey's blogshop eh. :D
When you look me in the eyes
10:51:00 PM
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
I'M NOT ASKING FOR MUCH, AM I;sometimes, i stare up at the ceiling & i do wonder. how much do you love me? can we really last till we're old & have our grandchildren in our arms? you want to sleep, i let you sleep. but you don't feel how i feel. i'm alone lehh! even though you're by my side. you want me understand, i try my best to understand you. you're tired so i don't complain. but i really cannot understand why you don't feel tired when you're with friends, when you're playing that fucking dota. you cannot sms or talk with me while you're playing computer games or while you're talking to friends, i understand lohh. you need time with your friends, i understand. but cannot at least sms with me? i don't see why you cannot sms with me, while talking cock with your friends. you use your mouth to talk to your friends, not your fingers what. don't say i give you attitude, i don't for no reason start to attitude de. i'm a spoilt brat, & yeah, so? shouldn't you love that spoilt brat part of me too? in this relationship, somehow there's more heartache than happiness. & how can you tell me that, cannot everyday meet one. yesterday also meet already what. what the fuck. you know how i felt not? no! you don't. it hurts, it hurts like fuck okay. go out watch movie tgt, you can actually sleep while the movie is running. if you're so tired, why don't you just stay home sleep? everytime when you're sleeping, i need to leave that time, i did tell you that i'm leaving already. you did reply me. then when you wake up, you call me & say why i go never tell you. what the hell! seriously, its not fair to me at all lahh can. if i wake you up, until you're so awake, you'll come scold me lahh. don't wake you up, you come complain to me. what the heck is your problem? okay, maybe its my problem. maybe i'm not a good enough girlfriend for you lahh. because i can't 24/7 be by your side, i'm always showing attitude or whatever shit lahh. so, maybe everything is my fault. whatever~ weixiong, if you happen to read this, you go and think about it clearly, isit my fault or yours. i wonder how long can this relationship last. i love you my dearest baby, but it doesn't seem like it to you. ):
When you look me in the eyes
9:05:00 PM
Saturday, March 01, 2008
BOYFRIEND IS LOVED;helloooooo! tuition-ed in the morning. then went to mac to lunch, alone. lols. then went to baby's hse. he's sleeping. hahas. his leg is bandaged. laughs! or-bi-good~ jump somemore lahh! hahhas. fed him his lunch & medicine. then went to sleep with him. woke up at 4plus 5. got ready & cabbed down to tamp mall. wacth a horror film. errs, screen at kamchanod. i think its spelt like this. hahs. baby slept in the cinema lahh! -.- & the show isn't really really nice lahh. but still can. lols. then bus-ed to mac, audrey met me halfway through the bus trip. well, slacked, smoked & dinner-ed with shane. didn't managed to study at all lahh. hahs! & home sweet home ard 11. boyfriend's in love with dota & i detest dota. ohmygod! hahs.
When you look me in the eyes
11:38:00 PM