Saturday, May 31, 2008
♥Updated Blog,
okay lahh! i'm finally updating this blog. was too busy to update luhh. uhms, maybe abit too lazy too? hahas. well, nothing really super duper special happened though. hmms, went to baby hse to slack today. yeahs, then cabbed home lohh.
yesterday went to bugis with baby. i bought a bag & baby bought me a shirt. (: went to sakae eat. was super duper full ahh. uhms, sakae there de vanilla ice-cream is nice lahh. but its expensive. zzz. then walked & shopped ard. baby bought a new pair of shoes then we cabbed home.
erhs, my maid went back on a holiday. ): i have to wash all the clothes & iron them & dry them. ohmygod. shag lahh. hahas. basically, i just dumped everything in the washing machine. then just put them on the hangers then dry. so far, i ahven't iron-ed a single shirt. see when i feel like iron-ing, then iron bahh. anyway, also only got 5 things need to iron. wait for alot then iron lahh. hahhas.
nothing to say already~~~ i know my blog is boring already. LOLs.
ღ jas: hhahas, thanks. (: will tag you.
yijing(:: whatever, freak. -.-
Shane: hello cousinxzxzxz!
Angela: xingan, will tag you de. (:
FEONNN ;]: thanks for tagging. (: see ya ard sooooon too! takecare lots ohs~
X.Drey: yah lahh fucker. (: update already.
Qiuyan: contact me lahhhhhhh! hahahhas. x33s
When you look me in the eyes
10:08:00 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
♥Its 5 More Days To Chinese O level,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN! lets just start with a birthday song for karenBestie! :DHAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU,HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU,HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KAREN~~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.sorry uh bestie, can't buy your present on time. ): next week i sure give you de. crossed my heart & swear!!!!! hahahs. x333333s & then there's this big birthday wish i wanna give you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTIE! MUST PASS O LEVEL WITH L1R5 SINGLE DIGIT OHHHHHH! LOVES LAHH! :DDDD & WISH YOU GOOD LUCK IN EVERYTHING YOU DOOOOOO!i bought a wardrobe which is double my current wardrobe size. yipeeeee~ now i can hang up all my clothes & buy more clothes! rahhhs! i'm waiting for somebody to bring me go buy a dressing table. hahas. happy happy happy~
recently was like super stress lahh. i think it will be like this for the rest of the half year. zzz. o level arhh, o level. faster come & faster go. i'm like sooo no life now lahh can. zzz. plus my not enough sleep causes me to have eye bags & dark circles. its soooooo ugly lahh. & then theres this mood swing alll the time. gosh, its driving me crazy man. think i'm going mad~ blahs!
met up with baby today, for a short period of time only. ): but its better than never meet lahh. hehs.
When you look me in the eyes
8:22:00 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
♥TMD! all shall shut up & die _!_,
FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! i'm in serious shit, i feel totally lost. if i'm asking for help, its only because being with you has opened my eyes. could i ever believe such a perfect surprise? i keep asking myself, wondering how i keep closing my eyes but i can't block you out. wanna fly to a place where its just you & me. nobody else, so we can be free. & i'm all mixed up, feeling cornered & rushed. they say its my fault but i want you so much. wanna fly you away where the sun & rain come in over my face, wash away all the shame. when they stop & stare, don't worry about me. because i'm feeling for you, what you feeling for me. i can try to pretend, i can try to forget. but its driving me mad, going out of my head. mother looking at me, tell me what do you see? yes, i've lost my mind. daddy looking at me, will i ever be free? have i crossed the line?baby, you will never know how i felt at that point of time. its simple to answer why though, because you're not me. you always ask me to think for you, & ask me whether i knew how you felt not. how about the other way round? you think for me & whether you know how i felt not. this time round, i'm not gonna apologize. i feel that i have gave in to you too much. too much for me to be able to take it. i don't know whats happening to us. recently there's been a number of quarrels between us. i've said hurtful things, made you angry. i never meant them. whatever it is, i will never leave you. simply because i love you boy..
When you look me in the eyes
7:58:00 PM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
♥Happy Three Month Anni Honey,
hubby, today is our three month anni. its a special three month anni lahh okay. ;} hahas. although we didn't do anything special to make it even more special, its still special lahh. hahas! after all the tiffs & fights, we are still tgt. i told you i was never going to let you go mahh. so no matter what happens, i will never ever ever leave you. you also cannot leave me eh, no matter what. if not, i smack your butt uhhs! ;x lastly, i simply love you lots baby. don't ever doubt my love for you. thanks for such a great day, dear. i had fun. :}

bus-ed down to baby's home after getting ready. waited for baby to get ready. then slacked ard abit & cabb-ed to cineleisure. went to the korea shop in the basement. bought the 'za jiao mian' & the drink from the fantasy couple show. baby says its like red bull. but i say its like cough syrup. hahahs! watched 'what happened in vegas'. its soooooo nice lahh. why all movies like to make until like so sweet, yet in real life is like impossible will happen de? laughs. then we went to robinsons there walked ard. diao-ed inside the cd shop like for dont know how long. then ended up never buy any cds. hahas. cabb-ed back to baby's house. slacked at void-deck for some time. then went back to baby's house to cook his 'za jiao pao mian'. hahas. not nice one lohh. zzz. -.- then cabb-ed back home.

When you look me in the eyes
11:42:00 PM
Friday, May 16, 2008
♥Counting Down To One More Days,
you felt like a stranger yet like a family. meeting you was kinda awkward. i don't know how i should react. well, you chose to left us. thanks anyway for helping me pay my things. takecare too.
slept during mother tongue lesson. -.- whatever. school went quite alright? went off in the middle of the remedial. the compo qns was too difficult, making me totally moodless to continue staying on. umms, sorry cai lao shi. :[ cabbed to tuition ard 4.30. then bus-ed to kovan to find daddy. brother was there too. :] bought my contact lens & nail polish remover. then home sweet home. no appetite to eat. zzz.
had a little tiff with baby in the morning. i admit its my fault lahh. anyhow throw temper & attitude him. sorry nah baby. still love you lots one lahh okays? :} went to find baby after running away from chinese remedial. =x watched my fantasy couple there with baby & he cooked for me. hehs. sweet sweet nah baby. :D baby is late for work now. ahhas. dumbdumb, overslept. ( its partially my fault that he overslept though. ;x )
baby, tmr is our day. ;D
When you look me in the eyes
9:24:00 PM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
♥Counting Down To Two More Days,
I was alomost late for school today eh. 1 second l8r, i will be late. how heng luhh. hahas. junle's bag is still so nice to sleep on. hug the bag will auto sleep one sial. laughs. played majong before chinese remedial. no, its not the tiles majong. its the cards majong. its fun lahh. hahas. then i did my chinese very seriously, i swear lahh~ then cabbed to tuition. i did my paper one there very seriously toooo. hhaas. then bus-ed back home.
i have nothing more to blog about. i didn't meet my baby too. :{
When you look me in the eyes
8:14:00 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
♥Counting Down To Three More Days,
grandpa is back home from the hospital. he lost so much weight lahh. it breaks my heart can. grandpa, get well sooooon alright. :D
today the weather is like super duper cold lahh. nice weather for sleeping. slept alot in class lahh. guilty* hahas. i swear that junle's bag is so nice to sleep on. gosh, feel like bringing it home lahh. ahhas. in class was cold, recess was cold, after school smoking was cold, taxi to tuition was cold, tuition room was cold, bus back home was cold, walk back home was cold, bathing was cold, bedroom was cold. everything also cold. zzz. whats with the weather today man. laughs.
chinese lessons are super boring. shag. one day can have as long as 3hours of mother tongue lessons. snores~ my head pain lahhhhhhhhhhhh. _!_ chinese.
didn't meet baby today. ):
When you look me in the eyes
9:16:00 PM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
♥Intensive MotherTongue Lessons,
why intensive? because MotherTongueO'Lovels are on the 26th of may. which means only 13 more days left, not counting today. ohmygod! i wanna get distinction for it & i don't wanna re-take it. arghhs. how shag lahh can.
& its been ages since i've last tasted the first cigarette taken out from a freshly opened pack of Singapore marlboro menthol. its heavenly lahh. laughs. haven't been buying ciggs lately 'cause i'm saving money to buy sth for baby. & guess what, baby gave me 20dollars just now for taking cabby home & buying cigg. gosh! thanks baby. :}}
cab fares are atrocious nowadays. it keeps jumping 20cents by 20cents. arghhs. the government should do something about it. its making people mad lahh. zzz. & then there's the peak hour fee, CBD area & the book cabby thingy. yea, its so freaking expensive. it took me 12dollars to get back home from baby's hse.
i need to go on a diet, been eating alot recently. isit because of the stress or isit because of the bloody bitch or isit just purely temptation? i wonder why. i think i'm growing fatter & fatter & fatter. boooooooos~ _!_ it lahh.
then school was well, except i was unusually hyper in some of the lessons. when hyper-ness weared off, i got extremely sleepy during the end of MotherTongue lesson. so i slept throughout the rest of it & in POA lessons as well. i think the teacher was commenting on the sleepers in class. i was sleeping until i didn't really bothered. hehs. rushed my chinese letter writing during chinese remedial & rushed off to baby's hse. watched fantasy couple & surfed the net & slept awhile. homesweethome at 7.
When you look me in the eyes
9:12:00 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
♥Happy Mother's Day.
No Time + No Mood + Lazy= Dying Blog.i'm updating my blog now!~ so stop complaining. ;} was super busy for the last week lahh. hahas.
1.may.2008went out with my hubby. :DD watched iron man. not a bad show. to think i was whining at him not to watch that show. hahas! that orange car is superb lahh! weeeeets~

7.may.2008 - 9.may.2008adam khoo workshop. not toooo bad, but still bad! laughs.
many people cried - evil heartless ones = touching scenes.
10.may.2008went to xing fu yin cha with mummy, ahma, sister & hubby for lunch. after lunch, we walked our separate ways. hubby & i trained to plaza sing. watched speed racer. ohmygod lahh. its super cartoon & super cool alright. hahs. seriously, i wanna drive like them lahh. -.- after movie, bused back to hubby's hse. ate dinner there then hubby accompanied me back to ahma hse. & he went to work.

11.may.2008its mother's day today. hehs. went to vivo with ahma, dagu, ergu, uncle, nisha, daddy, weihong & sister. went to tyhe imperial sth restaurant for lunch. ate until thousand over dollars. faints~ then walked ard & home sweet home. bloody bitch is here. =,,=
When you look me in the eyes
6:45:00 PM