Sunday, August 31, 2008
♥Tear my life apart, all over again.
The time of the month. Hais. Unpredictable mood swings, no mood, feeling sian all over. Omfg, is there someway to stop this? Oh, unless i menopause. -,- But then i won't be able to conceive a baby anymore eh. Lols. I seriously don't know what i'm writing. Hahas.
I bought a new computer. Weets. (:
Cigarettes! I miss you, i want you & i need you. Will you come back to mama? ):
serene: Hahs, thanks! :D
Sinyi: Dear, i also very long never see you le. ):
Audrey: Look who's talking, imma bored too.
nic*: Don't know, Jaron want me take pic mahh. So i anyhow take lohh. Hahs.
Dor: Do i look agitated? Hahas.
When you look me in the eyes
10:01:00 PM
Saturday, August 30, 2008
♥What the fuck?!
Hitted town with nic & jaron. (: Watched 'death race'. It was gruesome, eeeeeeew! Before that went to arcade play the silent hill, i think? Lols. Yucky lahh the monsters! Blahhs, i'm lazy to talk more. Obviously, we cam whored alot lahh, & we also played with jaron's video cam recorder. Stupid & retarded lahh.
Fucking nic, make me lose to you. Its cause you wore long sleeves & my shoes were slippery okays. You just wait, I'm gonna make you say sorry to me! Wahahas. Retarded dog! I should buy a leash & some dog food for you. ;}

Wtf they doing, don't ask me.

& Jaron. (:

& nic. (:

& lastly, me. (:
When you look me in the eyes
12:18:00 AM
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I have nothing to say. Just fucking excited that I went to curl my hair. I don't know why eh. -.- Feel like letting the whole world see i would look like if i perm my hair? Hahas. Give me some positive comments about it you! :D

When you look me in the eyes
10:46:00 PM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
♥Tear my heart apart

She sits in a corner of the room, singing herself to sleep. Wrapped in promises that no one seems to keep.
Never tell me 'i swear's, 'i promise's, 'i confirm's. Because you just can't seem to keep them. I'm tired, really really tired. Fuck!
Voiceless screamings in my head, Unsee-able pain in my heart. I seriously don't wanna give a fucking damn anymore. You've revert to your old self. I can see that, so don't tell me you didn't.
I don't know whats love, neither do you. We don't know whats a sweet sweet love, we don't know whats a long lasting love. Fuck it man. Seriously.
Dorothy: Nahhs, random post i guess. Hehs.
passerby: okays.
When you look me in the eyes
10:44:00 PM
Monday, August 25, 2008
♥Somehow, this post is contradicting

I'm sorry for blaming you, for everything i just couldn't do. And i have just hurt myself by hurting you.
I want to win in every single thing. Be it a small thing or a big thing. & I want to win at all cost. I didn't cared if i would hurt you or even myself. I just wanted to win. & yes, I'm so fucking childish. Yeah, i know it. Not to mention fucking unreasonable, maybe a bit bitchy.
Seriously not many can stand me. Only true friends will stay by my side in times of need. Thats why, i have a freaking small circle of friends. I'm an attitude freak & i love seeing others in pain. The world revolves around me & I do not revolve around the world. Well, I'm a weirdo you know.
How long can this love last? How long can you stay with me? How long can your sweetness for me last? I don't deserve you. I'm not good enough, I'm a total fucker. I don't think we'll really last long enough to satisfy my love for you. Cause a lifetime spent tgt with you ain't enough. Yeah sure, we do quarrel & have cold wars. But hey, which couples don't? I feel that when a couple have their highs & lows, then its really great to be tgt you see.
I don't feel any sense of security when I don't get to see you whenever i want to. I get all moodless & stuff, you know? Feeling that I'm about to lose you. Well hey, you can't blame me for thinking too much when lotsa girls are attracted to you okays. I can't believe a hundred percent in love, because I might end up hurting myself like fuck okays.
I don't know what the hell I'm typing over here. Seems kinda contradicting, don't you think so? Hehs.
Clutched in her hands, a dying rose. Dripping down her face, tears of death.
Dor: LOLS! & I've got weixiong! :D
Sinyi: Still continue uh! -.-
weixiong: How much is lots lots?
Calling me at 11.07 instead of 10.30. Saying to come find but ended up saying you don't think you can. I'm not sleeping cause I'm waiting for you. I'm fucking sad about this matter & am crying. I don't know why the hell this is so, but I just am okays. Its kinda ridiculous & stupid to cry over such trivial matters. Whatever fuck lahh. Please just don't promise me anything when you can't do them. I beg you alrights? Fucking screwed up right now. I wish cigarettes were here to accompany me.
When you look me in the eyes
10:31:00 PM
Saturday, August 23, 2008
♥Babble, babble.
Hell-o! :D I don't feel like blogging. ): As usual, I'm being forced to blog lahh. Zzz.
Went to parkway, supposed to go roller blading but it was raining. & so i met audrey for a shopping trip to bugis. Was walking halfway at street, there was this crazy guy lahh. Suddenly put his hp straight in my face, it typed 'hi miss, care to exchange number to make friend?' (Something like that lahh) Gosh! Can you imagine how shocked & scared i was? I tell him say, don't want don't want & i ran off. Audrey scolded him crazy. Hahahas. Whats more, i was talking on the phone with baby & he told me 'l8r sure got pple take number from you one lohh'. Talking about creepy. Lols. Bought fake eyelashes & a purple tongue stud. Cool~

Was too sian for shopping, so i pangseh-ed audrey for wx. Ohpps. :x We mrt-ed tgt though, i alighted at bedok. Meet baby at his friend hse. Slacked & watched show. 11plus, baby sent me home. (:

I love how you love me so so much. I love how you dote on me so so much. I love how you pamper me so so much.
I don't love how you nag & nag me. I don't love how you scold & scold me. I don't love how you attitude & attitude me.
Nevertheless your perfections & imperfections, I love you just as much baby.
You're mine now & forever. I'll love you wholeheartedly.
When you look me in the eyes
11:20:00 PM
Friday, August 22, 2008
♥I want my bed!
My title in other words, is trying to say that ' I wanna sleep! ' I swear that I'm really tired. Zzz. Kept dozing off during school hours, after school hours & tuition hours. Blahhs.
I seriously didn't felt like blogging lahh, cause I'm soooooo lazy. But LWX force me one, he say if I don't blog, he will angry 10,000,000 times! -.- Blehhs. Last time everyday blog, you also never everyday read one what. Baby, i want sparring third round lahh!!! (:
LokeWeiXiong is my drug to cure my addiction. I only need him by my side & nothing else is important anymore. Dearest boy, you're my one & only in my heart. 170208 will last forevermore. You've been treating me with so much love & care these few days. I seem to repay you with my fucking attitudes. I'm sorry baby. ): I'm really happy when you suddenly popped out at mac yesterday just to find me. Not to mention surprised as well. & today I attitude you, you still gave in to me. This has never happened before lohh. Hahas. Whats more touching is that you actually from inter come find me even though you knew maybe you reach le i jiu go le. Honey, i wish that you'll always be like this to me. Protect me from these evil things called, hurts, heartaches, tears & fears. I was stupid to have left you once, i will not leave you another time. May we last till the end of time, the desire to be with you is burning so strongly.Whoever tries to break us apart again, will die a horrible death. I only want LWX to be my hubby! Others can shooooooo. (: I love you, baby.Sinyi: Ended already? Hahas.
Dor: Lols, you kop me away from weixiong, i use gun bang your head ah. Wahahas. ^^
weixiong: You dare to choose jun, i sparring with you 10,000,000 rounds ahhhhh! Hahas. >.<
When you look me in the eyes
8:23:00 PM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
♥No lifer, ):
I'm really bored right now. Zzz. Studying is becoming like a drag for me. How i wish Os would faster come & go. After which, i can really relax & enjoy le. Hahas.
My phone bill came & it was a fucking 200plusplus dollars. Daddy was so effing mad at me lahh. Hahas. & then my ring was confiscated. Oh, fuck that man. Zzz. Sian sian sian.
After school, baby came school opposite fetch me. Went to his hse & xiaobao was there too. Watched this alien thingy movie, not nice one. So disgusting. -.- Then i went down buy maggie noodles. Then slack slack here & there abit. Bus-ed home for tuition. BORING!~

I want us to be like this forever, because in your sweet embrace I can feel all the security i will ever need. Hug me tight in your arms through the coldest winters. Baby, don't ever leave me. Without you, i will be so lost. I love you dearly baby. I swear. (:
Sinyi: Then jun's abnormal! :D
weixiong: LOVESSSSSSSSS! {:
jaron: Hahas, are you touched? -,- I'm becoming fat already~ Zzz.
Dor: Hahas, i never say don't want you uh. (:
When you look me in the eyes
8:51:00 PM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
♥Its sucha tiring day
Arghhhhhs! I'm gonna get real fat pretty soon man! ): & Jaron, IT IS ABNORMAL FOR SOMEONE TO BE EATING 5MEALS A DAY OKAYS!
Had prelim science practical today. I only wrote 2 decimal places for my physics, SHIT! I wrote endothermic reaction instead of exothermic reaction for my chemistry, DOUBLE SHIT!
Went school opposite with willy & terrence to smoke. Then waited for my baby to reach home from chai chee there. Dear come pei me wait for baby reach home, in turn i also pei-ed her wait for jun come find her. But ended up, i halfway pangseh-ed her cause i scared baby angry me. LOLS! Sorry lahh dear! ):
Someone so dumb kena police screen today! Heng, he police good ah. Let him go off. Wahahhas. You know who you are! Blehhs ;D Watched shuffling de video with baby & then sleep awhile. I jiu go tuition le. Zzz. Baby is still in lalaland, hahas. BABY! You never wake up meet xiaobao ah, he call me looking for you eh. Hahahas. Faster wake up lahh sia, you this pig. Somemore last night run out never tell me, reach XG le then tell me. L8r i smack you ah! Hawhaws! & oh, i just now spar with baby & i won. He say one, i never play cheat okays. Hahahhahas! ;x

Holding tightly onto you. Vowing never to let anything bring us down again. Listening to your sweet nothings. Whispering the love that we share. Baby, you're the one that i wanna spend my days with forever. I've never meant to bring you pain, I've never meant to make you cry. Will our love be strong enough to make you forgive my wrong-doings? Will our love be strong enough erase the pain away? Baby, i swear that you'll always be in my heart. Oh, i just love you oh so truly! (:
P/S: They are still fighting! -,- Spring coming le, haven't fight finish. LOLS! & yet, i enjoy reading the tags man! xD
Dor: You eat full nth better to do, join in playing with them uh! Hahas.
Sinyi: Yeahs, continue until when uh? Hahas.
weixiong: BABY! I'm becoming fat already. L8r you don't me anymore how? )):
When you look me in the eyes
8:14:00 PM
Monday, August 18, 2008
♥Show me the meaning of true love
Hey hey hey! I skipped remedial today again, tsktsk. Bad girl, real bad. Hahas, I'm kinda ecstatic now yeah. Don't ask me why, cause i'm real happy. (: The weather's real bad recently, i hate it!
Meet baby after school today, he brought me a jacket. Awwws, how sweet. Just cause he was afraid i would be cold after walking under the rain, he made the effort to come fetch me! :D Baby is treating me real sweet man! He didn't slept for like sooooo long, just to wait for me. How touched can i be? xD

Seventeen February TwoThousandEight, my life my love & my soul. You're everything that i ever wanted. I wanna hold you tight & never let you go again. I love you oh so truly madly & deeply. Lastly, I'm yours to keep now & forever. I love you. (:
Jaron! Don't be so sad le alrights? There's still many good girls out there for yah. Don't trap yourself in the past, move on & open your eyes big big. I believe that there's a soulmate for everyone. Faster find your one real love okays! Cheers! (:
Dor: Yah yah, so how liao you all? [:
Shanice: I told yah we will see each other in school! [:
S-INYI: Snow coming down liao, you all still fighting uh. Hahaas, xD
Tingwei: Ahs! I miss pengwei too mans! {:
weixiong: Baby! WO AI NI FOREVER & EVER!!!!
passerby: Thanks man! (:
P/S/S: Now there's 3 pple fighting over me on my tagboard! -.- Hahhahahhas. I feel so honoured like that sia!
KOH SINYI! I'm blogging again all for your sake okays. Don't say don't friend me le hors! L8r i smack your ass uh. Lols. Dear is the most wonderful-est people, except for my boyf! :x ohpppps. Hahas. She's the one helping me to blog, edit my friendster & stuff when my IE was down, always there to sms with me when i'm bored, find me slack & pei me wait for bus. Wahahas. How good is she man. Well currently, my psp lcd screen is still spoilt & her psp memory card kena stolen. So we're sharing her psp with my memory card. How cute eh. But i only get to play when i meet her. ): Dear, don't shag abt that fucker thing okays? I love you always. (: This kinda guy can go eat shit also don't need care one lahh. Hahas. I think i've wrote enough, my bed is calling for me! Ciaos~ (:
When you look me in the eyes
7:37:00 PM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
♥Sixth month! (:
Yoohoooooo! Today is Seventeen.August! & so it marks the sixth months of me & weixiong!
Baby, after all the ups & downs, we're still together. I think we're a heaven's match. (: No matter what happens, I will never ever hurt you like how i've hurt you again. I promise you okays? We're gonna be together for another 88 years, i assure you. (: Thanks for never letting me go even though all the hurts i've gave you. I'll promise to cherish you with all my life & love you with all my heart. I know you're the one for me. No one else can ever understand how strong is this love of ours. Lastly, i love you the most lahh x 10,000,000 times! xD

My sixth month present from my hubby! Hand-made by him. Its name is ugly dummy. Lols. The purpose of this thing is that whenever i'm angry with baby, i must punch this thing. Hahahas! Ain't it cute? Awwwws, i'm so touched lahh can! xD
P/S: Its ugly! & yet i find it beautiful. Whats the irony? Figure it out yourself! Hahs. xD

P/S/S: Do you see 2 people fighting over me on my tagboard? Hahas! How cute can they be man! xD
Shanice: Hello baobei! See you in school. (:
S-INYI: I love you dear! xD & thanks for spamming my tagboard. -,-
weixiong: I love you baby! :DDD
Qiuyan: Thanks! (: You too eh! [:
When you look me in the eyes
10:12:00 PM