Sunday, September 28, 2008
♥Counting down to 22 more days.
Went swimming with karen bestie. Wanted to go wild wild wet one, but it was renovating. So we ended up swimming in the chalet's swimming pool. Hahas. After swimming, i had a scratch mark on my tummy, which really hurts. & KAREN, ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! Lols. I'm going to make you guilty for the rest of your life. Muahahahas! ^^V 21-ed back to bedok. Studied at mac, saw many familiar faces. I did 4 or 5 questions of POA!!! *Claps hand* Ard 11 jiu go home. Waited for baby come find me, rented cd to watch. Well, i rented a boring show. ): Baby's leg is like OMG! Hahas. He's sucha idiot, but i love many many. :D
Went studying at mac with karen. The bad news was, i didn't managed to study at all. I think i was too tired or sth lahh. Hahas. Met baby at 6. Went to 702, then to changi For the jiu wang ye thingy? Lols. Then went back 702 & i cabbed home. I love baby manys! :D He's mine forever~ Lalalas, i don't care! :DD & lastly, baby's the dumbdee pui pui, hahhhaas.
/: Cause you don't know anything, so stop commenting. -,-
wei xiong: Lalalalalalas, love love hug hug kiss kiss mwacks mwacks 10,000,000 times! :D
YIJING! says: & thats what you think~ Zzz.
Dor: Yah, hahahs.
Sinyi: Happy jiu good. & i don't love you. Muahahhas. Nehneh~
When you look me in the eyes
9:41:00 PM
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
♥Here Again !
The moment I online , Somebody talk to me . I thought she's gonna tell me she misses me , But to my disappointment , She asked me to help her post . Im so sad , Im so heartbroken ); But nvm , Im nice . So I shall help her post up she and Weixiong's jiaobin xD . Joking lahs , Not jiaobin . Post up their love life !

When you look me in the eyes
9:12:00 PM
Monday, September 22, 2008
♥Helping To Update This Dead Blog !
Its seriously crap ,
Dont regretted reading it .
Ha - Ha - Ha !
Hello peeps ! Back back back to post ! Practically , I dont know how Yiling lead her life nowedays . Haven't been meeting her up , BECAUSE ?! She spend time with Weixiong and neglected me already ): I shall challenge Weixiong again . Lols -.- Hmm , O levels are getting nearer and nearer . Bet Yiling's being very stress ? But no worries , Weixiong will take good care of her de . If not .. I will snatch Yiling away when he failed to do so . Hahaahh , Lols . I dont know what else I should blog about . Im pretty hyper now , And its very random . Lols , Yiling just signed out of msn , Off to bed . Because she's a bloody oink . Lols , No lah . Think she very tired after attending school and spending time with Weixiong .
This Part Is For Yiling To Read De ;
Hello dear , I miss you hell loads and I know you know about it ! Hahah , I know you gonna meet me soon dui mah dui mah ? Holiday go out play again together alright ? Study hard for O level , I love you & I miss you ; MUACK !
Dont Think That Im Weixiong , Im not Gay .
HAHAHAH , Its Sinyi here !
Weixiong dont jealous okays ? Yiling wont run away de :D
When you look me in the eyes
10:32:00 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
♥Seventh month anni. :D
Helloooooo~ xD Today's the SEVENTEEN, which means its wx & me de anni. Hahahas. Seventh months & 12 x 88 more months to go. Weets. Lols. Hmms, baby fetched me home from school today. Bathed & changed. Cabb-ed down to PS. Ate at secret recipe. Yum yum! :D Then baby bought this PS3 game, siren. Lols. Went arcade & baby spent ard 17plusplusplus? for my soft toy. Its a blue polar bear. Baby named it blue bear, chinese is blue xiong. Hahas. Watched the movie, 'bangkok dangerous'. I swear its nice lahh. Hahas, except its abit gory here & there? Lols. After movie, cab-ed home. Baby's sleeping now, & i'm here blogging. ): I wanna go bath le, ciaos! :D Shall upload photos tmr, i promise.
Tingwei: Aku cintu kau toooooo! :D
wei xiong: Today is our seventh month, i had fun. :D I will love you always & cherish you with all my heart. Hehes. :DD
Sinyi: O.o She say she not close to you oh. -,- Hahas.
When you look me in the eyes
9:55:00 PM
Monday, September 15, 2008
♥2 more freaking days! :D
Hello humans! I'm like finally updating my bog. Hahas. Didn't felt like blogging & didn't had things to blog abt for the past week. My life's boring! ): Anyways, i'm supposed to blog abt me & baby's date on thursday. But before that, i shall announce that prelims are officially over. I passed chemistry paper 1, 34.5 out of 65 & my practical was weet weet! :D 13.5 out of 15. However, my english, is hais~ 20 out of 50. :x Lols. Had been slacking with baby for the past few days. Yayness. :D

Went to vivo city on thursday. We mrt-ed there. :D

Cam-whored during the trip there. Bought tickets to the movie, 'the days'. Then went to eat chicken rice. Lols. Baby ate alot lahh. Like pig lie that. :x But he's still mine! Rahhs. (: We went to watch movie after eating. Bought this chocolate flavoured popcorn. Taste super sweet lahh. Hahas. Couldn't finish it, so brought back for my sister eat. Lols. The movie is rated NC16 for all the violence, vulgars & blahblahblah. Its a super nice show, really like real life gangsters. Hahas. After movie, smoked & mrt-ed back home. Baby left for work soon after.
Love love baby the most most. :DD
Sinyi: Updated! :DD Got go tingwei bbq?
wei xiong: Blog blog le. Love love you luhh. Mwacks! Miss-es~
Audrey: Because you this cleaner tou lan what. Wahahhas! :x
weiqi: HELLO! :D You also jiayou alrights. xD
Tingwei: Linked. :D
passerby: Welcome.
When you look me in the eyes
11:08:00 PM
Sunday, September 07, 2008
♥Song bo?! No!!! ):
Hello humans! :D Regarding my tittle, i have no idea where it pop out from. HAHAHA! I guess its due to yesterday! Arghhs, bloody dulan lahh. Kena catch by hsa when i'm not even fucking smoking. WTF! Zzz, say goodbye to 30dollars~ ): Audrey ah audrey, how how how!!! Freak man.
Meet audrey at far east yesterday. They totally ruined our mood for shopping lahh dey! So after walking ard 2 levels, without seeing anything except talking, we went to GALARE. Ate pasta & drank coffee. 5-ed back to bedok meet my dearest baby! :D Slacked at 148 with baby & co. Then sit bike to inter. Slacked & meet audrey, then she went off. See baby they all eat stingray & the mussels? Lols. Then baby never order for me lohh. WTH~ ): Then go back xg see them play dota, i see the tatoo album. I like that anklet angkong lehh. Hahas. Baby i wanna put that angkong!!!!! Lol. Boring boring boring~ & happy 2nd month to whatever & anything! :DD
passerby: Armani Exchange.
Shanice: Baobei, linked! (:
weixiong: i love you too! :D
Sinyi: Dear, i miss you alot too! :D Its 10 more days. hahhas
human: Uh, i also don't know how. Maybe eat less bahh. Hahas, thanks. (:
When you look me in the eyes
5:11:00 PM
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
♥Say iloveyou! {;
I'm tired, boooooos! ): Woke up at 2 today. Bathed & left hse at 3plus. Lols. Woke baby up too, & met him at 148. He still haven't go home bath & change. Oh well, follow him go home bath & change. Bus-ed to bedok inter meet x.bao, weiwen, brandon & his girlf. Cab-ed to cineleisure. Waited for another named qingyi? Whatever, lols. Watched '4-bia', its rated NC16! Its fucking scary lahh. The others kena scare like don't know what like that~ Hahas, even baby also kena scare. Lols, i screamed alot. Hahas, the whole cinema also lahh. Lols. Hmms, overall its not too bad lahh. Except that its really scary man. Mrt-ed back to bedok inter eat stingray, sotong, mussles? & white rice. Baby knee-ed me in the stomach lahh. WTH, l8r inside got baby how? :x Joke. Then cab-ed home.

Look at out face! -,-

Baby take one. Brandon & his girlf.

Brandon & x.bao

I look like ghost bodoh~



I'm gonna bite off baby's finger! =,,=

O.o Our heart beat as one! :D

Look at my baby's dumb face! xD

I'm wearing baby's snowcap!

I think i wear snowcap nicer than baby lohh!
wei xiong: Of cause cute & dumb lahh, your wife lehh! :x Love love you lots lots too. Mwacks.
Qiuyan: O.o okay okays. Takecare too! Loveeees, (:
tingwei: Pengwei! ^^V
When you look me in the eyes
11:55:00 PM
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
♥Oh, what a beautiful day!
Yesterday went to parkway library for studying with dearest audrey. But pathetically, we only managed to study abit. Thats bad! ): Then walked to her hse to drop off books & walked to parkway ate pasta mania. Nic & jaron came to meet us. Played at GIANT. Lols. -.- Then went to audrey ahma hse slack after they've went off. Then met mummy for dinner at sakae sushi. Nua-ed abit then cab home. (:
Baby came to look for me today! Nua-ed the whole day at home, cause daddy doesn't allow me to go out. WTF! ): My boyf is the most wonderful-est okays! Baby, i admit i'm dumb sometimes lahh. Hahas. But my heart's still with you, & you're the one i love the most. Truly, madly & deeply! :D
When you look me in the eyes
10:36:00 PM