Sunday, November 30, 2008
♥Dabeue Tee Eff Lahh!
I swear i'm damn dulan now. I wanna curse & swear, & fucking fuck the i-pod now! Zzz. Its sucha tragedy man! Arghhhs! Now i have to spend money to fucking repair my fucking i-pod. & i'm so fucking gonna make dunping pay for the fucking repair cost. It all happened like this.........
One fine day (which is today) , i went to meet lovell, james, ali & dunping at lovell's hse. Then we slacked abit. & off we went to expo, we bought ciggs on the way. Upon reaching expo, we were all given lots of flyers to see see. Dunping started folding a paper aeroplane. & it didn't flew high, it hit someone's face. Like omg right, i know. He's such a retard sometimes. Then i started rolling the flyers into cylinder shapes. I started hitting dunping with it. Then he also rolled his flyers into cylinder shapes. Then we got so high, that our volume became loud. & then while waiting for don't know what (maybe some kinda miracle to appear?) , i managed to pull dunping's pants down. Leaving him standing in a crowd with his flowery boxers on & his pants to his ankles there. I was laughing like crazy & he kicked me, where my ipod was. My ipod flew outta my pocket & dropped on my floor. I tried on-ing it, but it can't. I was fuming & i started to rant at dunping like a mad girl. When i finally cool-ed down, i still couldn't switch on my ipod. So we went to 85market there eat. Blahblah, & i cabb-ed home. I plucked my ipod into the usb cable, & it can be on-ed. However, its locked. Locked like no matter what buttons i press, it doesn't play. So the moral of the story is, never put valuables in your pocket when you're having fun.
& so, at the end of the day. I lost my watch, spoiled my ipod, almost leaving my pouch in the god damn bus no. 38 (all thanks to dunping!) & spent 36dollars.
Oh, yeah, i just quarrelled with baby cause i was in a foul mood. Geeeeez. Sorry honey, you know i don't mean it at all right. I love you. (:
Sinyi: Goodbye dear! :D x3333s
When you look me in the eyes
11:14:00 PM
Thursday, November 27, 2008
♥No life~
Went to work today. Today damn slack lahh, cause the IT person doing the com. Then i nth better to do, jiu read storybook, after that sleep. Lols. Somemore knock off work early man. Lolol. Went to lovell's hse after work. Slacked there, played majong & cards. Watched tv, then they went to eat kfc & i went to meet baby. Then daddy came to fetch me. Went to see didi, & home sweet home.
I love baby! :D Mwacks mwacks. Hehes.
Thanks junle for lending me the ipod charger!! xD
Something else to entertain you all:
Some idiot threw lovell's hse's cordless phone into my bag. (or was it me who accidentally left it there?? lol) Then i took that bag with the cordless phone in it to find baby. Get the joke? Lols.
When you look me in the eyes
11:08:00 PM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
♥I'm soooooo in need of money!
Went out with baby today. (: Went to bedok inter with the intention of fixing my psp lcd screen. But it was over our budget, so we decided to fix it on tuesday. I think? Lols. Then mrt-ed to Vivo, watch the movie 'Beverly Hills Chi hua huas'. Its sooooo cute man. So cool lahh can, dogs can talk man! Hahas. Before that we went to some thai restaurant for dinner. Lols. Then we walk walk walk. Hahs.
When you look me in the eyes
11:48:00 PM
♥New blogskin! :DD
Yohoooo! Okays, new blogskin. Tell me its nice! :D All thanks to my dearest sister!
Tell me my blogskin is nice! Cause got me & wx pic on top. Wahahahs! :x

Anyways, i didn't go for work today. Hahas. Cause i didn't felt like it. -.- Met audrey at parkway, saw lovell they all. (: Then i bought 2 books from borders. Wicked & Son of the witch. (: Haven't started reading yet. Lols. Then when andy & russell came, i left for dinner with ergu & pple. Had chilli crab (again =.=), crab beehoon & lotsa other stuff. Lols. Then slacked at ergu hse. Smoked & talked. Then cab-ed home. I am contented today. I got an i-pod, 2 bags, 2 lipsticks & 3 shirts. (:
I'm meeting boy-f tmr! Yay. Miss him like helly loads man. Hahas. Okays, i going off to read my bookie le. Hahas. Goodnight humans! (;
wei xiong: Its you okay! Not me. You the big-est fat-est pui-est! :D Love love you lahh. Mwacks!
When you look me in the eyes
2:36:00 AM
Monday, November 24, 2008
♥Chiong ahhhhhhh!!!
I have sooooooo much to say lahh can! Hahas.
• Thanks Sinyi Dear for helping me update blog last night. Loveeeeees! :D
• I've started work already, its fucking slack i tell you! >.<
• Cliques & I went for Mel's chalet.
• Went to Suntec. Cam-whored. Still waiting for pictures from audrey! >:
• Sentosa was nice! :D
• Esplanade photo taking was fun~ :D
• I swear i'm super disappointed with her lahh! Hais. ):
• Pool-ed! I'm still so noob, but i managed to beat audrey. YAY!
• Caught the movie, 'Madagascar' Not worth ten bucks lahh can!
• If i ton for one night, i can sleep for 22 to 23 hrs. WOW right. Hahs. ;p
• Then i was caught by HSA for the second time. FUCK!
• The best part was when daddy found out, he didn't scold. Double cool-ness man! :D
• & the above aren't in orders. LOLS!
Oh yeah, i'm having chalet on 1 dec, call me okays! -winks!- :D
Va-va-voooooooom! I miss my honey! ):
P/S: Audrey & Joanne kept tempted me just now at parkway. God damn it! ): But i shall persevere. Lols. Watch out ah~ Lololololol.
P/P/S: I'm somehow very high now. OOOOOOooooo Self high. Rahhs!
P/P/P/S: I'm changing my blogskin soon, i think. LOLS.
P/P/P/P/S: This will be the last P/S. I swear! :D
Cassandra: Hello. (:
wei xiong: Baby just un-simply wanna say, 'i love you too!' Teeheees, i know i'm cute. :x
LE: Hahas, really? I think happy feet was totally sucky, or maybe it was the cinema that was sucky? Lols.
When you look me in the eyes
11:16:00 PM
♥Me Again
Saw this lil pig on top ? Yeah . She's sucha lazy bum . She say she lazy to update blog , & She wanto sleep . Everytime also liddat . So she ask me to help her update . Yknw , Im being kind . But she's mean lo . Hear until I wanto help her update . Give me the face below ..
After that I please her happy with my friendster , Tsktsk . Secret lai de .. K lah , No secret . Go my friendster see jiu have le . Lol . Thn she went happy happy again .. Jiu got alot of faces le lo .

According to Ms LiYanrong's blog . I think below 3 photo is taken on the trip to suntec bah ..

All these I dont know when de wor .. See below just nice , 3 little pig . Yiling the big pig , Audrey the second pig . Thn the last guy idk de is what leh ? Of cause the smallest pig lah . But he dont look small o.o Maybe he act cute..
I caught Dear red-handed having affair :( She got weixiong one outside affair I alr close one eye le , Now she got another one .. Im so heartbroken lah . Dont say I anyhow ok , Show you all the proof ..
Saw that ? Walauuuu , Tsktsk . Hate you lah ! Lol .
Note from Yiling to Her BabyWeixiong : This is for the sake of the ambience .
I think they're trying to be the duno what godness or buddha . Hmm , Look fake . Lol . Guess who's below ?
Its that young man below , I know him .. Lovell ! Lol , I dont know he became gay .. So the punishment of being gay is below .
Kena hit by stone only ? You think that easy .. Still must sit on kettle one ok .. You see behind him , Got cheerleading group . I think they hate him alot O:
I dint know they so cruel , Wanto burn him alive O:
After that they found a new hostage . A better hostage ..
I dont know what they did to him , After that they made peace alr . Jiu take alot alot of photos ..

Ok , Above is just a stupid story . I was told to make up a story for the photos . So , No offence . Its just joke ..
Sinyi .
When you look me in the eyes
12:06:00 AM
Monday, November 17, 2008
♥Nine Months Together.
Happy Nineth Monthsary Baby! :D
iloveyou x 10,000,000 times!
Hehes. ;D
Today went to find baby at his workplace today. Watched my bull fighting. Lols. Nice show, except that it likes to keep repeating itself. -,- Okays! I'm off to watch my show. Tatas~ :D
ADP: Lols. Next time dye white lahh. Lols!
tqy: Daughter! x3 Hahahhas! :D
Chanhuei: Yah. I really was hungry what. Is val dirty mind lehh. Hahas.
When you look me in the eyes
11:53:00 PM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sinyi: Hahas, cause you pah jiao??? Lols.
JoLyN: Okays, linked already. (:
ADP: Yah yah, fucking ahgua. Don't dare swim, si gim moh. Kena shout by lifeguard. Wahlan eh. -,-
LE: Coffin not bad what~~~~~~~
Chanhuei: Hellosxzxzxzxz! :D
Feon. ♥: Lols, he go cut botak lohh! Hahas, look dumb right. Hahs. Takecare! :D
When you look me in the eyes
11:55:00 PM
♥IDKL.. -,-
& i'm here to update, w/o pictures. The reasons are as stated, firstly cause i haven't edit them. Secondly cause i'm lazy to upload into the com for editting. & yeap, i guess the reasons are just these two. Hurhur. Okay, i'm lame. I thyink i'm just like fucking entertaining myself only~ Zzz.
Yes, O levels had been officially over on tuesday, which is 11.nov.2008, at 9am. So i was like fucking high, tearing up the irritating entry proof. Imagine the joy i had man! Then i started calling everyone to tell them the good news & only my sister was like, ' huhs, oh, okay.' Zzz. So i went shopping with daddy on that afternoon, tgt with my sister. Bought the shark bag, converse shoes & that billabong shorts. Yeap, it costed daddy a bomb lahh. I spent $190 in one day. Harhar~ & i dyed my hair.
Went to teoheng yesterday, which is wednesday, with lovell & ali & angdun & val & chanhuei & james & junle & leslie. Sang from 2 to 7, i think? Lols. Then went to play pool awhile cause waiting for junle & james finish their stupid dota. Then we went to parkway buy my suntan lotion. & went to the market there eat dinner.\
Today went to sentosa with ali, junle, james, angdun, val, chanhuei, lovell, shuwen, vicky, ben & mel. Sadly, the suntan lotion i bought & the sunblock i brought, didn't came in handy. F the sun man. But at least, it didn't rain like effing big luhh. Hahas. Played volleyball, swam & we found a route which can walk all the way from one shore to the other, still feet touching the grd. Hahs. Oh yeah, we played dodgeball too. Bathed & all, went to vivo meet seyen & nicol. Shuwen & vicky went off. Then bused to 85market. Nicol & seyen went off halfway. After eating, cabbed home. So, i'm sitting here blogging. Lols.
Sometime last week, we went cycling. From bedok to eastcoast, then to pasir ris there bahh. Then back to bedok. Hehs. Tiring for others, but i was being longbang all the way man. Maybe i did cycled abit lahh. Then played the sparkles thing.
Tmr i'm going to meet my dearest. (: I missed him much luhh. Hehs. Baby, im meeting you tmr! Are you happy? Did you missed me? How long can love last? Is there forever? Can it really happen?
WHAT IFs;...
When you look me in the eyes
11:37:00 PM
Friday, November 07, 2008
Okay, & so, many events took place these few days.

I managed to catch 'the coffin' with baby. Lols. He says the movie sucks, i say the movie was quite alright. Lols.

& then there was teoheng with classmates. From 2 to 7, i think. Weeeeeeees! :D Hahas.
When you look me in the eyes
12:21:00 PM