Sunday, May 31, 2009
Hello humans. I went shopping, but i'm not satisfied enough! ): Can anybody just give me a fucking $650? BECAUSE i fucking saw the gucci bag lahhhhhhh! I want it, i want it, i want it! D: Well, at least i get to buy my $400 CK bag that i've been eyeing since forever back then. Hohohos! And and i bought that CK jacket and hoodie dress (?). Then i bought a top from forever 21. And makeup from M.A.C. And let me think, i think no more. Well, today was really tiring lahh. Not enough energy, slept at 5 then woke up at 8. Was talking on phone with alvin. Geeeez! I need to sleep early today yo! Tmr need wake up early, can't be late for school. Cause got that fucking test. -.- Sure fail. Lols.
And i swear i really miss acwk. ): I wish i'm at elias now, if only i can teleport. Hmmmmmmm.
P/s: I need to get this over and done with soon!
Dor: Kau jakap aper? Hahas! (:
Labels: Its the GSS.
When you look me in the eyes
9:30:00 PM
♥Random like -.-
Somehow, somewhat, i think that men are created to destroy women.
On the other hand, women are somehow, somewhat created to destroy men as well.
-.- Sounds like lame only. I know its god damn random. I have nothing better to do what. ): Alvin's at elias, i'm at home stoning/rotting. Geeeeez, so so bored y'know. I have to wake up at 7, look at the time now already. Tsk! ): GSS! I'm coming in a few hours time! Wait for me. (As if it'll run away lahh!) -.- Lamelamelame. Cockcockcock. Randomrandomrandom. NoLinknolinknolink. Siansiansian. Crazycrazycrazy. I have no idea, what the shit am i doing here. Snores. I think a few more texts to and from alvin, i'm off to lalaland. God damn tired. ):
P/s: Acwk, you better don't pg like how you promised me ah. If not, you die! (: Love.
Fuck the monster inside me, i swear i'm a fucking goner! Fuck this shit that's happening to me lahh! >:
Labels: Its very the no link.
When you look me in the eyes
2:54:00 AM
Saturday, May 30, 2009
♥I'm a fucking goner man!
Met audrey darling at tamp around 5. Ate at food court. Then went for a puff. And off to coffee bean for some 'studying'.

I studied for only like 15mins?! Lolol. Monday i'm GG already dude. Then alvin finally wake up. Hohohos. ;D Then me and audrey waited for carrian and his friend to drive us to elias. From 7 wait until 8plus. Pro yo! Then stupid gordon call me and scold. Wtf. -.-
Labels: Fuck the monster inside me.
When you look me in the eyes
11:59:00 PM
Friday, May 29, 2009
♥Life's boring.
Hello, here to update. Don't want my blog full of spiderwebs. Hahas. Well, i haven't been cam whoring recently. So, no pictures. Too bad, go cry to your mama. LOL! -.- Lame.
Last friday rot in school do com prog revision then watched Night In The Museum 2 with froggy and leroy. Then i went to marina meet mel, audrey, junle, adp. Then slacked (?) Mel, adp and junle came my hse to play cards. Lols. Then mel went off, junle and adp ton at my place.
And the rest of the days are just a bore.
Yesterday night, alvin and friends came to my place ton. They brought vodka peach with mixer sprite. Fucking nice i tell you okay. Hahas. Then played cards. And i slept 1 hr before preparing for school. Had breakfast at kovan with them then they cab me to school.
Then after school rotted at safra. See classmates play pool until i fall asleep. Hohos. Then me and hil hil went to froggy hse. I made myself a nutella toast. :D
Then i slept for 30mins before heading to e hub meet alvin. We bought sour plums that was salty! -.- I make him eat one everytime i eat one too. Hahas. Then i spit the seed on his hand. -.- Like dustbin sia. LOLOLOL. Walked around and we caught the movie Terminator (?). Okokay only lahh, don't catch any ball at all. LOL. And and and, its been half a year since alvin caught a movie! Gosh. Then then then, i was like freezing inside the cinema can! -.- Then after movie, meet mel and audrey. Went pasta mania eat. Then they went off to catch their movie. Then me and alvin and alvin's friend like nua at the entrance? Then alvin sent me home. :D I'm the first girl he help to carry bag, LOL. Like honoured only lahh can. -.-
P/s: I wish it was only a nightmare. ):
Willyk: YOU jiaobin. :D
T.SiewTing: Linked! :DD
Sly: Spocks ARE so cool. Lols. Cooler than the mutated evil frog villain
Labels: ACWK
When you look me in the eyes
11:21:00 PM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
♥Entertainment purposes. =.=
This story is dedicated to SYLVESTER, the FROGGY! :D
Once upon a time, there's this guy called sylvester. One day, he was fucking a tree in some park. Then suddenly a frog appeared and

jumped onto his face. He was very very traumatised. He don't dare to eat frog porridge. Somehow, after that incident, his features became more and more like a frog. His thinking also. one day, he was sitting in the bus and the bus suddenly went out of control. He stuck his tongue out, trying to grab onto a pole beside him, but realised that his tongue was too short. So he went home, and did research. A month l8r, he managed to come out with a formula to mutate himself to be frog man! The ingredients consisted of lots of frogs squished into liquid form and chemical X. However, during the process, he added in too much chemical X. He then became the mutated evil frog villain! His brain went haywired. He started planning on how to infiltrate all the frogs' minds so as to make the frogs all jump on innocent human's faces and make them traumatised like what he went through. Poor humans. ): Well, then MY master, Spocks master created me,

Limpei spocks 1, and 3 other juniors, spocks 2, anyhow spocks 3 and spocks 4. We're now in the midst of strategizing how to defeat the mutated evil frog villain. May the good win! -.-
Sly: Blahhhh. Lols.
sinyi: D:
€ђάή Ķάήğ™: Lols, okay. Linked both le. (:
Labels: This post was lameeee.
When you look me in the eyes
12:59:00 AM
Thursday, May 21, 2009
♥I believe that,
I'll be spamming pictures. Hohos. I have nth to blog about. ):
I flunked my math quiz, 5/20. I'm so going to screw my web design quiz. I think my engineering fundamental quiz can pass. I think no more tests that i had le bahh. Lol. And and, monday is my engineering fundamental lab quiz. Fuck it, sure fail. OMG! Fuck school life.
Labels: You'll bring me to forever.
When you look me in the eyes
9:59:00 PM