Tuesday, June 30, 2009
♥What if i say,
Fucking happy birthday to Alphaous! (:You're like old already man, don't play around already. Tsk, you've got so many 'future girlfriends' lahh can. Geez, lucky my Bi not like you. And stop snatching him from me okays! Faggot. Have fun on your dumb birthday, and oh yeah. You can now help me buy cigg already! :D Hahas. I bet he'll be so touched if he ever get to see this. :/
Today, alphaous is the birthday boy. Well, initially there wasn't any big fuck about it. But now, its a fucking big fuck! Because i wished him happy birthday, he still said yea you know! Hohos. I know i'm such a big fuck. -.- Lame (he's favourite word. i think also gordon's one lahh!)
Anyway, back to the main purpose why i'm blogging here. And to alphaous, most of this post is about you okays. Don't cry just yet, read on and don't slap me after reading the whole of it. Hahahas!
So early in the morning, maybe about 11plus? I called him to kpkb, saying 'eh, we go take taxi then you sing lehh. the window will crack. hahhahha!' And i huhu-ed and i told him that! Biggest mistake everrrrr! Then he threaten me that he'll tell Bi that i huhu-ed in class. And fuck him man! I was like shouting here and there. Teacher was teaching also. But who cares. Laughs.
Okay, so he threaten me i of cause must threaten back right! Then i tell him, if me and Bi quarrel over this, i make sure i cry until sipei jialat go find him and make him fucking regret. Then then after crying, i will make sure he wearsa skirt walking around elias mall! So he was like, 'orh now you want threaten me ah? okay lohh, i go call alvin now.' And like, 'you call lahh! why haven't call? don't dare call right? scared you wear skirt walk around elias right! call lahh, i scared you ah!'
I know its like childish, but he's still a kid. So must entertain him right. And i keep 'limpei' him, he keep 'don't keep limpei with limpei lahh hors' me. -.- Lols. Fucking bo liao. Kp him from lesson until lesson end until reaching Bi's hse. Dots. Biggest joke of the day man!
And when i asked him for leeling's number, he gave me 9 different numbers and each change one number only. 8 numbers not in use and 1 wrong number. Fuck him yo! He think funfair lahh. Bloody hell, make me almost want to faint lahh. Idiotxzx!
And alphaous, if you ever do get to read this, don't fucking slap me. If not i'll fucking make sure you wear a skirt around EM! :D Ciaos humans.
P/s: AlvinChngWeeKiat, what if i say ' I do'?
Labels: I can't lose you?
When you look me in the eyes
9:22:00 PM
Monday, June 29, 2009
Hello fellow aliens! I'm so lazy to update my current B-O-R-I-N-G life. So just bear with me for a few more days okay! I promise to report every single thing that happened soon! So, Bi thinks that he's reporting hq tmr, he's not sure. :/ I'm soooooooo worried. Snores! Pray hard hard with me that nth will happen alright! So sth so funny happened just a few minutes ago lahh. Lols. I opened my ribena, and pressed it. Boo! Ribena mixed with G squirted out onto my face and hand. Like wtf right! I know, no wonder how day the 'ribena' tasted weird. Cause never make the water come out cleanly. Hehs. Some faggots confirm don't know what the heck i'm saying. But fear not, those who understands it! I won't elaborate. ;DD Purpose of blogging today is to talk cock. -.- Lols. End of cocking session. Ciaos humans.
P/s: Dear god, please let Bi be safe and stay by me.
aloy/squirrel: Hi dumbass. (:
passerby: Lols. Thats just a joke, get it? I'm straight, not les. :D
Leeling: Linkedddddd! :D
Dorothy: Hahas, you confirm want kena whack by me le. :D
sinyi: Dear, iloveyou. But love alvin more. :D
When you look me in the eyes
8:45:00 PM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
♥What will i become,
I don't want you go in, so i'll be parying hard.
Its not confirmed yet, but i feel fucking shag and moodless since i knew about it.
If say touch wood you go in, i'll be outside waiting for you. (:
If say touch wood you got probation, change me send you home okays? (:
If say nothing happens, i'll be the happiest one. :DDD
I don't know what procedure have to be done to know the outcome. I'm a noob, yes, your idiot girlf.
Need go court one ah? I never attend court session before. :/
Okay Yiling, you're side tracking already. Shut your nonsense and stop letting your imagination run wild.
This is so so random. Tsk.
But AlvinChngWeeKiat, i love you very very much.
Somehow when i first saw you, i was attracted to you. But the thought of us being tgt never struck me. Second time i saw you, i belonged to you. Though things went fast and haywire, i knew at that point you still weren't interested in me. But i know that i had feelings for you, so i bet on it. And it turned out, we should be tgt. And then things went very very wrong, we almost couldn't make it. But i didn't give up. And we came through it, so its heaven's sign that we're meant to be tgt. You're a gift from above, to let me learn to love and cherish. I know that the road ahead will be long and tough, but we'll endure all hardships and last. How long had it been since i last called someone my hubby? How long had it been since someone told me that he wants to marry me? How long had it been since i've practiced the word 'faithful'? Now my everything is you. So tell me love, what's going to happen if one day you suddenly tell me you don't love me anymore? My world would come crashing down on me and suffocate me to death. ILY, 2ndJune. I know you're unlike all the other guys, you're different. 9 more days.
Btw, my head hurts fucking alot now.
Whats with my life, it just sucks to the core lahh. Want go out, also must like dog like that. Zzz. Fuck my life upside down, i have school tmr. Un-awesomely big bummer. I think i'm used to staying home, going out makes me somehow sian? But with Bi, its another story already. ;)
L.Yiling really needs to chill now, she's like going to burst soon. Tsk. How how how? Tell me how to stop thinking rubbish? Zzz.
This blog post like never ending one, lols. I don't know why but i need to feel that i'm loved and cared for. If not, i'll be like thinking anyhow one. Omg omg omg, i have no fucking idea what i'm saying, what i'm thinking. Yiling is going to die soon, thats why she's behaving like a crazy woman now. Don't mind her. Goodnight all aliens. She needs to wake up early for school tmr, don't disturb her ah.
One last thing, although i gave permission for Bi to pg somehow, it makes me feel sad that he even want to ask me. I know he's stressed, just like me. But i still feel pain when he doesn't feel like keeping his promises. So Bi, will you one day don't feel like keeping your promise of loving only me? Geez, I suddenly want g to p also. :/
-What's the use of loving wholeheartedly when you know that love won't stay forever?
-What's the point of loving so deeply when you know that love will die one day?
-Why put in so much effort into love when it'll all go to waste?
-Why love when it'll all end up in heartache?
aloy/squirrel: Hi aloysif, i met you okays! Lols.
Dorothy: Hahas, photocopy means paikia paikia kind or? And of cause i'm so
cute lahh! Hahas.
Leeling: Hello! Yes, i remember you lahh! :D
passerby: Obviously i'm straight since i have a BOYFRIEND right?
Labels: Without you by my side?
When you look me in the eyes
10:56:00 PM
Friday, June 19, 2009
Sad or angry, tell you got use mehh. This ain't the first time already.
When you look me in the eyes
4:06:00 PM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
♥Featuring... BABY YILING!
I dug out these pictures from mummy's place some time ago. I find miie ishh sho fuckingxz cutexzxz! So i decided to post them here. :D

Auudrey says daddy looks like a YP. :/

I loooove this picture to the max! I don't know why. Lols.

I must be reaaaaal happy to smile like this. Hahas.

Don't get horny guys and lesbians! Laughs. -.-

Grandma and me. I think i look ang mo-ish! =.='

I look so sweet here. Hohohos!

Mummy says this was taken i was shitting! -,-

Cutexzxz to dhe maxxxx!

With SanYi, BerYi, SanYiZhang. Don't you think i look like angmo? Lolsss!

Dancing? Probably. Hahahas.

Like Singapore snowing luhh! -.-

At some lantern festival thingy. (?)

Tsk! How can daddy smoke infront of a small girl?!

Mummy! I'm happy! See the smileeeeee!

I probably wanted to kiss daddy i think? Hahas.

Mummy. People in the past are so not fashion friendly. -.-

Daddy daddy! :D He smokes red in the past. :/

I'm so innocent looking when i'm young. O:

Some water theme park which i've got no clue as to where it is. Lols.

Ergu! Ahma say i look like some angmo kid here. Lols.

Me with younger sister. :D

I look like i can kill someone. -.-

We don't look happy. ):

Probably one of the very few family pictures i have.

Ending off with me during kindergarden. ;D
Somehow, i wish daddy and mummy were together.
Somehow, i wish my family was perfect.
Somehow, i know it won't come true.
I miss grandpa..
So Bi and co. didn't went pulau ubin fishing today. I rotted at home and had tuition. Tuition was somehow good? Lols. Bi's asleep now. They're going pulau ubin fishing tmr. Maybe only. Should i ask daddy for permission to go fag and be mosquitoes food tmr? :/
P/s: I'm everything that you wish you are.
Labels: iie noe miie ishh sho cutexzxz ^^V
When you look me in the eyes
9:13:00 PM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
♥iie lurbbz chuxzxz

Met audrey darling at kovan mac for lunch and some cock talking. Hahas. Then me and sister bus-ed to tamp at around 3plus. Audrey went off to Jurong. Oh yeah, i almost felled while walking down the stairs. -.- Too bad i didn't fall, haters. ^^'V

And and! I managed to buy ciggarettes from cold storage. Woohoo! :D Lols. Okay, so me and sister watched Monsters vs Aliens 3D. Soooooo cute to the max! :D Especially the 'Oh-Em-Gee' part! *SCREAMS!!!* Lolxzxxz. While i was watching movie, Bi was at east coast with evan interviewing (?).

Then Bi came to meet me after my movie and evan went off. Smoked and bought movie tickets for Drag Me To Hell. Then ate at foodcourt. I got a fucking big serving of meat lahh canxzxz! -.- Hahas. Miie dunch noe whyiies miie keep typiing iin twiitxzx form! O:! LaughMyAssOffffffffff.
peixian: Hahas, hello hello. :D
Audrey: Oh-Em-Gee! I can faiintxzxz!
passerby: What do you think? ;D
Labels: AlvinCWK's
When you look me in the eyes
11:49:00 PM
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
♥Intertwined hearts.
Please be prepared to see lots of my face, Audrey's face and Bi's face. Also my baby brother's face. :D
But before that, i wanna type out my BORING life. (:
So continue-ing from last thursday. Bi left at 6plus (?), i was soooo fucking paranoid lahh can. -.- Geez. Okeh! So daddy came home and we talked. I told him i had been sneaking out to elias meet Bi. Lols. He wasn't mad at me, so yay! (: But still, i cannot go out! =.= I also promised daddy that i won't sneak out anymore. Lols. I'm daddy's little girl. :D Aiyah, then boring fucked up life all the way lahh. Snores. Sat night go meet mummy for dinner, then mac with cliques for slacking and saboteur (?) Until 2am and ahma hse. Sunday went to ergu hse for lunch. I rotted there until 7plus. Boohoos! ): Monday, Bi came to look for me at kovan. Weets! And we had lunch then he accompanied me all the while i was doing my hair extensions and hair dying. I bet it must be a BORING 4 hours there. Hahas, but i'm so touched lahh can! Cause its like go where find a boyf that's willing to accompany you for 4 hours while you're doing your hair. Hees, lucky me man! :D Then we went for dinner and cold storage. And Bi stayed at my hse until 9plus. Then he went to meet dickson and co. (?) Tuesday, apparently stay home again lahhhhh. Thats all about my BORING life. :D

Things that i want to add on:
- I know thats a shitload amount of pictures two girls can take while sitting outside mac.
- Bi always have the same face when taking pictures with me. ):
- I know Weihong's fucking cute, especially when the picture's taken with me. :DD
- I think i look so hideous without makeup, and its been fucking long since i've dressed up!
- And and and, I LOVE MY HAIR NOW! Except that the golden part was supposed to be more silvery instead. :/
- Obviously, me being tgt with audrey is a hoax. I couldn't take it anymore so i had to expose it to all. Because i wasn't able to blog about how sweet Bi is lahh. (:
- Daddy's hogging my ciggarettes now! Because he forget to buy his! ):
- Tmr finally i can go out, but with sister. -.- Hopefully Bi turns up for the second part. (:
P/s: I miss KarenNg and AudreyLi.
yingchuan: HAHA! You also lame tgt with us! -.-
Audrey: Fuck you bitch. xoxo!
Labels: Lyl and Acwk.
When you look me in the eyes
11:06:00 PM